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The Appalachian Mountains are filled with storytellers. For the longest while, the front porch was the classroom to learn about family and local history along with a lucky and mischievous boy named Jack. The Mast Store carries on that tradition in the way shelves are stocked, windows are presented, mannequins are dressed, and highwalls are “cluttered.” more
Behind the Scenes | Inspiration
What is a passport? In short, a passport is merely a few leaves of paper marked with photos and stamps. In modern legal terms defined by U.S. Department of State, it is “a request to foreign governments to permit you to travel or temporarily reside in their territories and have access to lawful local aid and protection.” While extending us welcome to a new place, passports also offer their holder the services of the U.S. embassy or consulate as a sort of diplomatic home-away-from-home. more
Local Flavor | Mast Family Favorites | Travel
In the days after September 27, 2024, highway information signs were emblazoned with a message... Do Not Travel in Western North Carolina. That sounds ominous, but its message was not overstated. Because of the tireless work by state and federal employees, local folks, and thousands and thousands of volunteers, the mountains are OPEN – including two lanes of Interstate 40 – and we invite you to vacation... And volunteer! more
Inspiration | Local Flavor | Travel
In the days after September 27, 2024, highway information signs were emblazoned with a message... Do Not Travel in Western North Carolina. That sounds ominous, but its message was not overstated. Because of the tireless work by state and federal employees, local folks, and thousands and thousands of volunteers, the mountains are OPEN – including two lanes of Interstate 40 – and we invite you to vacation... And volunteer! more
Inspiration | Local Flavor | Travel
... Our favorite foods! Food is universal because everybody’s got ta eat! And the last two months of the year are filled with more than their fair share of family meals, work gatherings, special outings to favorite restaurants, tins filled with homemade cookies and fudge, and the anticipation of food traditions handed down from generation to generation more
At Home | Recipes
Even before we bought the Mast General Store, we were taken by the beauty of Valle Crucis. We’ve heard people describe the drive out Broadstone Road as traveling through a time portal. In the 1970s, fields in the river bottoms would be filled with tobacco, cabbage, or high with hay to feed cattle that were grazing in the summer pasture. more
Local Flavor | Mast Family Favorites
As the tilt of the earth moves us a little farther from the sun, the calendar fills with outdoor festivities to celebrate the fall turning of the leaves, the end of harvest season, and the culinary arts. We’ve searched our communities for festive and fun suggestions to add to your fall itineraries. more
Adventure | Inspiration | Local Flavor | Travel
Annex - Valle Crucis | Boone | Columbia | Greenville | Hendersonville | Knoxville | Original - Valle Crucis | Waynesville | Winston-Salem|Asheville
Mast Store believes in recycling. And recycling on a grand scale - that’s why we have homes in historic buildings along bustling Main Streets in vibrant downtowns. We recycle internally, too, like using the back sides of our white paper for accounting forms or documents that will remain in-house. But we know we can do better … and we want to help others do better, too. That’s why we spent an afternoon at the Watauga County Recycling Center – to learn the best practices to keep the recycle loop looping. more
At Home | Inspiration
It’s hard to believe that it’s time to make the closet changeover from summer to fall. If you choose carefully among last year’s trending styles, you can update your look by adding a few key items from this year’s emerging course. Let’s get started. more
At Home | Inspiration
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines friend as “a favored companion; one that favors or promotes something.” Woodrow Wilson once said, “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.” The Mast Store is pleased to count several active community groups among our circle of friends, and on September 7th, we’ll introduce you to some of them and will make a donation to support their efforts. more
Inspiration | Local Flavor | Mast Family Favorites
Annex - Valle Crucis | Boone | Columbia | Greenville | Hendersonville | Knoxville | Original - Valle Crucis | Waynesville | Winston-Salem|Asheville
Stepping out on the front landing of Mast Store’s worldwide headquarters, you’ll hear what sounds like millions of bees droning away in their hives. On occasion, there’s a decidedly metal sound amongst the whirring, and then it might be followed by a loud crack or two. That’s the sound of a new “old” location coming together. This week we’re taking a look behind the scenes at preparations for opening our store in Roanoke. more
Local Flavor | Behind the Scenes
It seems like back-to-school time comes faster and faster every year. The summer fun has just begun, and then it’s time to pore over checklists and see what still fits in the closet. We’ve put on our thinking caps, inverted and multiplied, and come up with the least common denominator list of essentials that most anyone headed back to class will need. more
At Home