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In the days after September 27, 2024, highway information signs were emblazoned with a message... Do Not Travel in Western North Carolina. That sounds ominous, but its message was not overstated. Because of the tireless work by state and federal employees, local folks, and thousands and thousands of volunteers, the mountains are OPEN – including two lanes of Interstate 40 – and we invite you to vacation... And volunteer! more
Inspiration | Local Flavor | Travel
Have you ever thought you had a pretty good idea how something came about only to find out that, well, it’s complicated. That is the story of bluegrass music – which, by the way, wasn’t even referred to as “bluegrass” until well into the 1940s. This music, most associated with the Appalachian Mountains and the working class, is a long tale of shared influences, forks in the road, and happy reunion gatherings. more
At Home | Inspiration
Imagine finding yourself in a sticky situation. One that confronts you with out-of-the-ordinary circumstances that test your patience, demand your resolve, or challenge you to take a stand and do the right thing. more
Behind the Scenes | Local Flavor | Mast in the News
... Our favorite foods! Food is universal because everybody’s got ta eat! And the last two months of the year are filled with more than their fair share of family meals, work gatherings, special outings to favorite restaurants, tins filled with homemade cookies and fudge, and the anticipation of food traditions handed down from generation to generation more
At Home | Recipes
Even before we bought the Mast General Store, we were taken by the beauty of Valle Crucis. We’ve heard people describe the drive out Broadstone Road as traveling through a time portal. In the 1970s, fields in the river bottoms would be filled with tobacco, cabbage, or high with hay to feed cattle that were grazing in the summer pasture. more
Local Flavor | Mast Family Favorites
The lucky few who have seen the Earth from a different perspective – astronauts - all echo the same viewpoint upon their return. Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut and the first human to go to space, commented, “Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it.”
Behind the Scenes | Inspiration
It's the seventh installment of the 2018 Fall Foliage Primer and the final report for the season. Many locations are reaching their peak colors now - like Greenville, Asheville, and Hendersonville - and Knoxville is still reaching for its peak. You'll find many events to enjoy in all areas and who knows, you might even start thinking about another kind of tree that stays green all year.
Choose your report:
Valle Crucis/Boone • Asheville • Hendersonville • Greenville • Knoxville
Valle Crucis/Boone – This has been a most unusual fall! I was away over the weekend, but it sounds like I may have missed one of our first snows, at least for the highest elevations in the area. For the most part, thanks to some rain and winds, the leaf-peeping season is practically over. Although you might see a few stray colors here and there – yellows and a few oranges – we are definitely into the 50 shades of brown time. Some of the oak trees will hold on to their leaves far into the winter.
The weather has settled into a fall pattern. Temperatures might stretch into the 60s and the lows will be in the 20s and 30s. The sun feels nice and warm, but when it goes down, the temperatures fall quickly. As one of my co-workers said, we totally tripped over fall and fell straight into winter. But, there is a bright side, cooler temperatures mean clearer long-range views. Head up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and hike up to Rough Ridge; the views should be spectacular. Be sure to take a fleece and a rain jacket. You never know what will happen. And as always, check the weather before heading out.
It won’t be long, maybe a weekend or two, when we won’t be talking about the colors of the leaves. Instead, the topic of conversation will be the scent of pine. It’s Choose and Cut Season. Start making your plans now to get your family’s holiday centerpiece fresh from the field. Here’s a LINK to the Watauga County Christmas Tree Association Choose and Cut page. You can also check the NC Christmas Tree Growers’ website for even more places to find a tree.
If you enjoy music, you won’t want to miss Stephen Stills and Judy Collins performing at the Schaefer Center for the Performing Arts at Appalachian State University. The concert is on November 8. These two music icons helped shape modern music. Get your tickets HERE.
That’s a wrap for this year. I’ve enjoyed sharing photos and fall foliage insight with you. I hope you’ll mark your calendars to check back in next year. Until then… Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!
Asheville - As we hit the final week of the Primer here in Asheville, I’m pleased to report that we finally have some color. Heading into November, it was like the leaves finally decided it was fall and they exploded with color. It's still not everywhere, but at least it feels like peak leaf season at last. Temperature wise, we are in for a slightly warmer week here in Asheville, with a ton of rain Tuesday and intermittently throughout the week. Temperatures will waver between the upper 60s to the mid-50s. Lows will stay in the mid-40s range. If you have plans to go out and see the leaves Wednesday seems to be your best bet, with a small break in the rain expected. For more detailed forecasts check Ray's Weather or the National Weather Service.
It has been a beautiful week for pictures here in Asheville. I get the chance to walk through downtown a lot on my way into work every day, and there are a few trees there that have started to turn a fiery orange. It is refreshing to see fall finally starting to appear at last. I have also seen some color where I live in West Asheville, with the mountains in the distance showing a range of color from deep reds to bright yellows and oranges. While walking around my apartment, which overlooks Mount Pisgah on one side and Eliada Home and its horse pastures, on the other, I was able to see many different trees starting to change. It was definitely worth the wait.
West Asheville is a great place to explore if you want to see Asheville, but are tired of the crowds in Downtown this time of year. The area known as “little downtown” lies just across the French Broad River from the main part of the city, but it is more known for its originality and laid back vibe. Home to many of Asheville iconic music venues, like the Grey Eagle, Mothlight, and Salvage Station, this iconic neighborhood is a must see for those wanting a more traditional small-town feel. History and Modernity collide as you drive along Haywood Road, which has been the main street of West Asheville for over a century. It is a nice place to live, but an even cooler place to explore, if you get the chance this fall season.
There are a number of interesting events happening this week in Asheville. The Asheville Outlets are hosting the Venardos Circus now through November 11. This circus was created by a former Ringling Brothers Ringmaster to be an animal-free alternative to the historic Circus performance. If you are looking for a fun family-friendly event to do in Asheville during your visit, this might be just the thing for you. For more information check the Venardos Circus website, or simply stop by the Asheville Outlets and check it out.
The North Carolina Arboretum is also hosting Reclaimed Creations, a unique sculpture exhibit by artist Sayaka Ganz that uses reclaimed plastic objects in a “3D impressionistic style.” The exhibit will be held at the Baker Exhibit Center. While you’re there, you can also explore the Arboretum’s cultivated gardens and numerous trails that are beautiful areas to see during the fall season. The color there is probably peaking just as it is here, so even if you don’t make it to the art exhibits, this is a great area to explore.
That’s it! The final Fall Foliage Primer of 2018. I’m glad I was finally able to give you some peak fall color pictures for Asheville. I know we’ve all been waiting impatiently for the show to begin. I hope you guys enjoyed following along with my journey and had some wonderful journeys of your own.
See you next year!
Hendersonville - Dear Fans of Fall, Here we are at the end of the Fall Foliage Reports again. It is amazing how fast the weeks have sped by while we waited and waited and waited for the leaves to turn. And turn they did! The sugar maples are stunning and outshine all the other trees with their reds and oranges that glow as if the sun has fallen to the earth. The hillsides are alive with burnished golds and coppery colors. We have had fabulous color the latter half of last week, and with luck, it should continue through this coming week.
The weather is predicted to be cool and brisk during the day and down in the low 40s at night. We may have some rain on Monday and Tuesday and perhaps on Friday too. Although the clock is ticking, I am hopeful we will have more days to admire the beauty of the fall colors. Check the weather forecast HERE before heading out, so you'll know if it's a fleece day or a several-layer day.
Autumn activities are winding down as everyone gets ready for Thanksgiving, only a couple of weeks away! Take a stroll down Main Street and enjoy the shops and all of our beautiful trees and plantings. Be sure to stop in at Mast General Store to sample the hot apple cider and perhaps pick out a new hat and fuzzy gloves.
Most of the apple orchards are still open and selling apples, cider, and apple pies. Yum! Check out the dates, times and locations of different orchards HERE.
Drive down Fourth Avenue heading east and you will run into Jackson Park, a 220-acre municipal park, only a mile from downtown. If you want to play tennis, softball, soccer, basketball, disc golf, or practice your mountain biking skills, you will find a place to do it here. There is a 1.2-mile nature trail with many varieties of native birds, so bring your binoculars. The Oklawaha Greenway Project runs through the park and offers a 12-foot wide paved trail for walkers and bikers. Look HERE for more information.
During the upcoming dreary winter days, we can use our fall recall to imagine the incredible autumn colors till they come around again. So long until next year!
Greenville - Finally a little color has come to Greenville! The leaves are just starting to produce some nice reds and yellows. In the upcoming week, we should see more variety. While in Greenville enjoying temperatures from the mid-50s to the 70s (check the forecast HERE), be sure to take in some of our events that are happening.
At Coffee Underground on Main Street the New South Comedy Festival runs for 10 days starting November 1. This year the festival features over 300 Stand-up, Improv, and Sketch Comedy performers from NYC, LA, Atlanta, Chicago, Boston, D.C., Raleigh, Charlotte, and Charleston. They will offer comedy for everyone, including family-friendly shows and comedy for and by kids! Tickets will be available online and at the Alchemy Comedy Theater Box Office. You are encouraged to purchase tickets early, as most shows will sell out. You can find out more HERE.
This weekend, November 9-11, we have the opportunity to visit local art studios at the Greenville Open Studios. This event opens the studios of local visual artists to the public, allowing them to visit studios and experience the life of local artists in the community. The studios are in a 15-mile radius of Greenville. For more information please visit this LINK.
Also on Friday, November 9, MercyMe will perform at the Bon Secours Wellness Arena. Five time GRAMMY® nominated MercyMe’s “The Imagine Nation Tour” will offer a variety of their favorites. More information can be found HERE.
On Saturday, November 10, the Greenville Craft Beer Festival will hold its 6th annual event at Fluor Field. There will be music, food, and a representative from each brewery to answer all of your questions. The tickets sell out early, so they advise you to get yours early by visiting this WEBSITE.
Greenville has so much to offer for a weekend tourist. Sampling our great restaurants and stores along Main Street and taking a walk to Falls Park on the Reedy River is a treat. The weather and colors will be spectacular for this time of year, and I encourage you to come to Greenville and enjoy both.
Knoxville - It took some time, but we are finally seeing some beautiful fall foliage here in Knoxville. Due to the warmth and the lack of cold nights in September and the beginning of October our "peak" was pushed to this week. The variety of maple trees are really showing off with magnificent oranges and reds. One of my favorites in the fall is the hickory tree with its leaves in a brilliant gold.
The forecast this week involves some possible storms and rain. We are crossing our fingers that the winds will not blow too many of the leaves off the trees. And, we will be seeing and feeling more fall-like temperatures. Check the forecast with a click HERE.
On Friday we are looking forward to honoring our veterans with one of the biggest Veterans Day Parades. The parade route will actually go down Gay Street right in front of our store. We invite everyone to come down to salute our heroes.
One of our favorite must-do activities in the area is taking a visit to The Museum of Appalachia. They are hosting two events this weekend that are new. On Saturday, November 10, it's the Student Heritage Day and Fall Heritage Day, which will include lots of activities and contests. Be sure to check out the old tractors and the mule jumping contest. Also on November 10 is the Great Appalachian Fiddle Competition. You'll be amazed at how fast these fiddlers' fingers fly across the strings.
If you are looking to shape up your gardening skills, the Knoxville Botanical Gardens is hosting an event for volunteers. During the BIg Dig, volunteers dig up, divide, and pot up perennials from around the gardens. You'll get some exercise, learn skills you can learn at home, and help out a beautiful place in Knoxville. Learn more HERE.
We wonder if next year's fall season will be like this one or if things will like a typical fall season. This year has been anything but typical. Until then, enjoy the rest of 2018, and we'll see you next year.