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In the days after September 27, 2024, highway information signs were emblazoned with a message... Do Not Travel in Western North Carolina. That sounds ominous, but its message was not overstated. Because of the tireless work by state and federal employees, local folks, and thousands and thousands of volunteers, the mountains are OPEN – including two lanes of Interstate 40 – and we invite you to vacation... And volunteer! more
Inspiration | Local Flavor | Travel
Have you ever thought you had a pretty good idea how something came about only to find out that, well, it’s complicated. That is the story of bluegrass music – which, by the way, wasn’t even referred to as “bluegrass” until well into the 1940s. This music, most associated with the Appalachian Mountains and the working class, is a long tale of shared influences, forks in the road, and happy reunion gatherings. more
At Home | Inspiration
Imagine finding yourself in a sticky situation. One that confronts you with out-of-the-ordinary circumstances that test your patience, demand your resolve, or challenge you to take a stand and do the right thing. more
Behind the Scenes | Local Flavor | Mast in the News
... Our favorite foods! Food is universal because everybody’s got ta eat! And the last two months of the year are filled with more than their fair share of family meals, work gatherings, special outings to favorite restaurants, tins filled with homemade cookies and fudge, and the anticipation of food traditions handed down from generation to generation more
At Home | Recipes
Even before we bought the Mast General Store, we were taken by the beauty of Valle Crucis. We’ve heard people describe the drive out Broadstone Road as traveling through a time portal. In the 1970s, fields in the river bottoms would be filled with tobacco, cabbage, or high with hay to feed cattle that were grazing in the summer pasture. more
Local Flavor | Mast Family Favorites
The lucky few who have seen the Earth from a different perspective – astronauts - all echo the same viewpoint upon their return. Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut and the first human to go to space, commented, “Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it.”
Behind the Scenes | Inspiration
South Carolina has given us a lot of great products. You might be surprised what our sister state has in store on our shelves.
These food-safe, super strong buckets are what fisherman, gamesman, and many hardworking folks in several industries, and even those who just play hard, rely on. YETI Buckets are virtually indestructible with high-impact resistance, anti-slip and anti-slide, as well as anti-marking features. With comfortable “Heftyhauler” handles to be easy and comfy to carry and the “Lipgrip” Handler that also makes life a bit easier, the buckets are sure to please everyone who tries them. They also have tie-down slots that help secure them in boats, in pickup beds, or wherever they may roam. Or not roam, that is, because they stay secured where put. Made in South Carolina, this extension of the YETI family of coolers is right at home where things have to be tough and hold up to whatever life throws at them.
Wooden knives have been made for generations. In Belton, South Carolina, this version you can put together yourself is made by Jameson Woodworks, a company started with this very product by one man who thought the knife he helped his son make would be a good idea for others to enjoy as well. In 2008, he took his product to market and found that, yes, consumers wanted this very thing.
This fun kit gives a bit of instruction in woodworking and assembling a knife. Made mostly of pre-cut wood pieces to be assembled into a toy knife, JJ’s Kit is a fun exercise for kids with adult supervision.
Then there’s the gourmet goodies made in South Carolina like these fan favorites:
Started in the late 1940s, this bakery is the oldest family-operated one of its kind in Charleston. The company prides itself on its rich Southern heritage that is infused into their business and foods. They offer “unique Lowcountry” treats like the Benne Wafers and Key Lime Cookies that we all love at Mast. We are proud to offer these delicious cookies, but we are even prouder that they make those products with quality ingredients and without unnecessary chemicals and preservatives. Most items are even handmade and packed by hand too, the old-fashioned way. You can practically taste the care stirred into every bite.
American-grown tea is basically unheard of, except at the Charleston Tea Plantation. The first American-grown tea didn’t happen until 1888. Not for lack of trying. Many had tried, all had failed, until Dr. Charles Shepard made the dream a reality with his success at Pinehurst Tea Plantation in Summerville, South Carolina. After changing hands a few times, and after one relocation, William Barclay Hall created his original "American Classic" tea which became the first tea ever to be made with 100% tea grown in America. This tea has truly become a classic, especially after the Bigelow Tea Company took over in 2003. There are many teas to choose from, all from this working tea farm that thrives on American soil. But the most customer-friendly part of their story is that they do not use any pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides) and are a green company—and of course, how good the tea is!
James Graham built a stone mill in 1934 so he could make grits and corn meal for family members, neighbors, and customers. This northeast South Carolina mill became Palmetto Farms, and the brand was established with the goal to craft one product to perfection. Grits. They’ve done just that as a leading producer of all natural, old fashioned, stone ground grits in the US. It doesn’t get much more Southern than creamy grits made a stone’s throw from our back door!
Branded the best coffee in Greenville, SC, West End Coffee Roasters offers several varieties of coffee. As one of the largest and oldest specialty coffee roasters in the Carolinas, they serve restaurants, grocery stores, businesses, and many other places with the small-batch roasting and quality end-product that has been their MO since 1992. They bring you Mast Branded coffees like our delicious Appalachian Blend, the favorite House Blend, and several more. And all are small-batch roasted and freshly delicious cup after cup after cup.
As you can see, South Carolina has more than its share of amazing products that we carry right here at Mast Store. Stop in or visit us online for these and more amazing products made right in our backyards.