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March 18, 2020 2 minute READ

UPDATED 3/25: Curbside Pickup Available Now

tags Local Flavor | At Home
locations Winston-Salem | Columbia | Knoxville | Greenville | Asheville | Hendersonville | Waynesville | Boone | Valle Crucis | all

As an old-fashioned general store, customer service is at our core. We realize you may not feel comfortable coming into the store right now, but you may have some needs that we can help with. So, we did a little brainstorming around the pot-bellied stove, and we think we have an idea – curbside pickup.

Just to be upfront, we are learning as we go, but we're going to do our darnedest to take care of you and your needs. Here's how the service will work:

  1.  Go to MastGeneralStore.com to place your order.
  2. At checkout, choose Ship to Store as your shipping method, then choose the store where you’ll pick up (don't forget to include a name if someone other than yourself will be picking it up).
  3. This is the most important part - please enter CURBSIDE in the order notes field. We are only accepting curbside pickup orders - stores are no longer open for public access.
  4. Complete the purchase. You'll receive an e-mail confirming your order - and may get a phone call if there are details* we need to discuss.
  5. We will pick the order as quickly as possible and contact you when it's ready.
  6. You'll need to come to the store, find a nearby parking space, and call us at the location with details on what kind of vehicle you're in, etc.
  7. We bring you a smile and your order.
  8. Mast Store Online Customer Service is available by phone (866-367-6278) from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

*Those details may include needing to locate a product at another store or other changes to your order.

Also, as of March 24, 2020, we are offering curbside pickup ONLY. All stores* will have pickup hours of 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Sunday. The Original Store in Valle Crucis is open 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. for Postal Customers. Orders may be placed by calling your local stores directly as well.

These are different times, and we all need to pull together to come through together. We appreciate your trust and look forward to seeing you again later. Be safe and healthy, and don’t forget to check on your neighbors. Social distancing doesn’t mean social disengagement.

* The Mast Store in Knoxville is closed, no curbside pickup available, for 14 days (3/24/2020). 
The Mast Store in Winston-Salem is closed until further notice, no curbside pickup available (3/25/2020). The Mast Stores in Asheville and Waynesville are temporarily closed with no curbside pickup available.

** Updated Thursday, March 19, 2020
** Updated Tuesday, March 24, 2020
** Updated Wednesday, March 25, 2020
** Updated Thursday, March 26, 2020

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