Fresh from the Field
Start a new tradition - choosing your family's holiday centerpiece fresh from the field! The best way to know you have the freshest tree possible is to find it yourself. And the experience of "the hunt" makes many memories that are sure to be told and re-told for Christmases to come. Many choose and cut farms offer much more than just the opportunity to cut your tree; they have roping, wreaths, and some have hayrides, hot chocolate, and perhaps a visit with a jolly old elf from the North Pole. Plan to make your trip to the fields early. Many farms are sold out of their supply of trees by, or sometimes before, Thanksgiving.
These listings will make it easier to find a tree grower near you.
North Carolina Christmas Tree Growers Association Choose and Cut Farms
Watauga County Christmas Tree Growers Association Choose and Cut Farms
South Carolina Christmas Tree Farms
Tennessee Cut-Your-Own Christmas Tree Farms
Virginia Christmas Tree Growers Association
When you get your tree home, store it in a cool garage or shady place until you're ready to decorate it.
Before carrying it into the house, unbind all the branches and let them settle into place. Pick it up just a bit and drop it on its trunk to help dislodge any dead needles.
Make a fresh straight cut across the trunk. This will help it be ready to "drink" from its water reservoir.
If possible, keep the room where the tree is a little cooler.
Placement is important. Keep the tree away from fireplaces, so it won't dry out as quickly.
Check the water in your tree daily. It will "drink" more than you think. Keep the reservoir in the tree stand filled with clean water.