Start your fire in any weather
The Epiphany Outdoor Gear's Baddest Bee Fire Fuses provide users with a weatherproof tinder that produces a strong, long-burning, breeze-proof flame that is considerably larger, stronger, and longer burning than a flame produced by match or butane lighter. Due to the low flash/ignition temperature of the materials and organic weatherproofing formula that is used, the Baddest Bee Fire Fuses are extremely effective at igniting from sparks cast off flint striking tools in wet (and dry) conditions where forest floor tinders are too damp to ignite. Coupling this larger, longer burning flame with a bellowing tool gives users the opportunity to start a fire with wet fuels they wouldn’t normally be able to start.
- Made in USA
- 100% organic material
- 16+ uses per pack
- 3" fuses
- Compact, protective carrying case
the item is unavailable at the dimmed locations
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